
College Search Project

After searching for schools, you need to write summaries and reviews of the schools you are interested in. You are formalizing a plan for your college application process.

You need to choose two "reach" schools - schools at which it will be challenging for you to gain admission. Choose three school at which you believe you have a reasonable chance of being accepted. Choose one "safety" school - a school at which you know you will be accepted, that you can afford and that is relatively close to home. These schools may be from your chart or schools that you are interested in

For each school, you should include where the school is located, how much it costs and the majors and program that interest you. Each response should be 300-400 words long. These should be typed. Responses are due on Wednesday, May 26.

Questions to consider in your responses:
  • What are the positives and negatives of this school?
  • Where is the school located?
  • How much is tuition?
  • What attracts you to this school?
  • What academic programs and majors does this school offer?
  • What other steps must you take to apply?

Your "reach" schools:
  • Why do you want to go to this school?
  • What might you have to do be admitted? Will you have to raise your SAT scores or take the ACT?
  • What are the positives and negatives about this school?

Your "safety" school:
  • Can you afford this school?
  • Is it local? 
  • Why is this a good safety school for you?


Tuesday, May 4

In-class Assignment:

1. Answer the following questions. You can hand write them or email me your responses. USE DETAILS FROM THE BOOK!!

The Catcher in the Rye
Chapters 5-7

Answer the following questions.

  1. Is Holden more like Stradlater or Ackley? How? Give at least two specific reasons.
  2. Why does Holden decide to leave Pencey?
  3. Reread the last paragraph in chapter 7. How do you think Holden feels about leaving Pencey? Compare his actions leaving Pencey to his thoughts on the hill in the first chapter (where he wants to say goodbye).
  4. What behavior has Holden displayed thus far that makes you wonder about his mental health?
  5. How would you diagnose Holden? What characteristics does he display?

2. Begin working on reading journals.

3. Read chapters 8-9 for tomorrow.