
Wednesday, April 28

New vocabulary:

copious (adj): abundant, much plentiful
adulate (v): to praise or flatter too greatly; fawn over
cacophony (n): lack of harmony; loud and unpleasant noise; a racket
ardent (adj): full of passion and emotion
compliant (adj): yielding, submissive
lithe (adj): nimble and flexible; agile; supple
obtuse (adj): stupid; not clear or precise
indignant (adj): angry
imprudent (adj): careless; rash
impudent (adj): rude; disrespectful
acrid (adj): bitter, harsh
perspicacious (adj): using wise judgment; sharp-minded
shrewd (adj): insightful; clever
extraneous (adj): not necessary; not an essential part; not relevant
virtuoso (n) a highly skilled performer, usually a musical performer
charlatan (n): a fraud; a quack or imposter
discordant (n): lacking harmony or agreement
hedonist (n): a person who lives for pleasure
surreptitious (adj): done or made in a secret, stealthy way
ephemeral (adj): lasting a short time; fleeting
vigilant (adj): carefully alert and watchful
voracious (adj): greedy; gluttonous; ravenous; insatiable
recalcitrant (adj): stubborn, disobedient; defiant
subservient (adj): obedient; obsequious
soporific (adj): slow and lazy
ameliorate (v): to make better, improve
assuage (v): to make less severe, ease, relieve
beguile (v): to deceive, mislead; charm
chagrin (n): shame, embarrassment, humiliation
colloquial (adj): characteristic of informal speech
duplicity (n): deception, dishonesty, double-dealing
dogmatic (adj): rigidly fixed in opinion, opinionated
extemporaneous (adj): unrehearsed, on the spur of the moment
foil (v): to defeat, frustrated
grandiloquence (n): pompous talk, fancy but meaningless language
garrulous (adj): very talkative
miserliness (adj): extreme stinginess
mundane (adj): worldly; commonplace
pontificate (v): to speak in a pretentious manner
implicit (adj): implied, not directly expressed
quixotic (adj): overly idealistic, impractical
recant (v): to retract a statement or opinion
serendipity (n): the making of a fortunate discovery by chance
sonorous (adj): producing a full, rich sound
tantamount (adj): equivalent in value or significance
usurp (v): to seize by force
voracious (adj): have a great appetite
whimsical (adj): playfully quaint or fanciful
sobriety (adj): seriousness, soberness
pragmatic (adj): practical, moved by facts rather than abstract ideals

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