- Márez blood
- Luna blood
- the bridge
- water
- communion
- golden carp
- the owl
- the number 3
- Virgin of Guadalupe
- Antonio's dreams
1. Vocabulary and Root Words!
Turn in word maps!
2. End of book - what do you think of Ultima?
3. Finish and present theme groups
Important Dates:
1. Grades end today!
2nd marking report starts bright and early Monday morning.
2. Vocabulary & Bless Me Ultima test on Thursday, 11/18
- 70 vocabulary words (35 new, 35 old)
- Open-ended questions about BMU
3. Vocabulary Talent Show - Wednesday, 11/17
- Come prepared to share a drawing, poem, joke, short story,
dance, tableau, rap, song, rhyme or skit that illustrates a
new vocabulary word.
- 5 extra credit points for each example (max of 25 ex pts);
an extra 5 points if your talent is incredible. Points will go
towards the 1st marking report!!
Extra Credit - For Monday
Answer one (or both) of the following questions.
- Does Ultima's death reaffirm whether or not she is a witch? Explain.
- Research the number 3. What does it signify? How does this apply to the novel?
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