
Tuesday, February 2

Warm-up: Chapter 19 of Beloved (pages 199-235) cover the guilt and remorse of three characters. Choose two of these characters and explain the effect of their feelings on them.

Review chapter 19:
1. From which two character's points of view is this chapter told?
2. What are the 28 days Sethe keeps thinking about? (pg 204)
3. "Nobody saw them fall" is repeated three times. What could this mean?
4. Why does Baby Suggs begin to think about "the color of things"? (pages 209-211)
5. What changes about Sethe's narration on page 216? What is this called?
6. The community exiles Paul D and Sethe. What is Sethe's reaction in turn? (pg 222)
7. Who is Sethe talking to as she walks home for work? Why? (pg 226)
8. What happened to Paul A? What does Sethe choose to focus on? (pg 232-233)
9. Who does Sethe seem to blame all of her problems and all of the terrible events on? What other character does she share this sentiment with?
10. On page 234 and 235, there is emphasis on Sethe locking the door behind her. What could this symbolize?

We also broke into groups to analyze the following passages, focusing on characters' views of whites and dehumanization.

Group 1 - Sethe's memories of the schoolteacher and Sixo
                    -pages 223-225, 226-228

Group 2 - Stamp Paid and the influence of whites
                 - pages 212-213, and 234-235

- Summarize the meaning and significance of the passages
- Identify and analyze literary devices
- 3-4 questions that would help the class understand the passage

Read Beloved pages 235-247.
Part I Reflections due on Thursday. These must be typed! I will be after school today and tomorrow.
Cumulative vocabulary test on Friday! See me for a handout.
Word maps for chapters 14-15 due Friday.

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